
You Can Discount on wholesale halloween costumes: Wantong Market Set to Close August 31

Wantong Market is the latest victim of urban renewal projects, has closed nearly hundreds of small commodities and wholesale markets.

The market officially notified the tenants that they intend to close all business by August 31.

Wantong market owner closed only two months later, immediately launched a clearance sales, hoping to liquidation before the stock price expires.

Wantong market in Xidan Fuchengmen area has been reliable for halloween costumes to provide 18 years of trading. Wantong market was originally a high-end shopping malls, in 1999 transformed into a small wholesale halloween costumes market, different from China’s largest five-star wholesale market.

The market has placed more than 1,600 booths, located in the five floors of more than 30,000 square meters of retail space and a basement. However, it is reported that Wantong market in 2015 began to gradually shut down; last year the fourth and fifth floor has been closed, the owner is still only three floors.

Wantong market just last week in Beijing announced the latest news of the closure of Tianyi market. The municipal government has been systematically shutting down the local retail and wholesale markets that attract enterprises from outside Beijing as a way to limit the growing urban population.

The news is also in the last week to protest the news of the Beijing Zoo market, the owner because of lack of compensation and feel angry, is considered to harass the police.

Wan Tong shopkeepers only yesterday and Thursday agreed to cancel the terms of the rent, they will receive 3,000 yuan bonus.

We always remember that the Wantong Market is the preferred destination for the purchase of Halloween costumes and Christmas trees, but it is also a good place to trade bags and shoes, schools and household goods. If you feel nostalgic, then before the advent of the market too much, please arrive at the Wantong market, or you can play one or two dollars.

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